Where am I now — Really?

B::DeparseTree for Better Location Reporting

(enter "s" to see presenter text for slides)

A Perl Error

Use of uninitialized value $prev[0] in array element at YAPC2018/prev.pl line 5.

where line 5 is:

sub boom { $prev[$prev[$_[1]]]; }

Which prev were we talking about?

More errors where line numbers are not good enough

Use of uninitialized value $_ in numeric gt (>) at YAPC2018/map.pl line 4

where line 5 is:

map { $_ > 1 ? 1 : $_ } @_ if $_;

and finally...

Useless use of private variable in void context at YAPC2018/eval.pl line 8

where line 4 is...

eval { $code };

Laziness, Impatience, Hubris

We will encourage you to develop the three great virtues of a programmer: laziness, impatience, and hubris.

Laziness: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure.

Impatience: The anger you feel when the computer is being lazy.

Programmer to Computer

A programmer may write ...

$a / $b / $c

The Perl 5 interpreter sees (according to B::Concise)...

8  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC ->(end)
1     <0> enter ->2
2     <;> nextstate(main 1 div.pl:1) v:{ ->3
7     <2> divide[t5] vK/2 ->8
5        <2> divide[t3] sK/2 ->6
3              <#> gvsv[*a] s ->4
4              <#> gvsv[*b] s ->5
6           <#> gvsv[*c] s ->7

Gaelic to English

Gaelic: Tha mi ag ithe an taigeis

English: I am eating the haggis

Gaelic: Tha (= am/are/is) mi (= I/me) ag ithe an taigeis

English: I am eating the haggis

Side-by-side Scots-American Translation

1: Fair fa' your honest, sonsie face,
2: Great chieftain o the puddin'-race!

1: Good luck to you and your honest, plump face,
2: Great chieftain of the sausage race!

Side-by-side Perl translation

  $x = 1;  # line 1
  $y = 2;  # line 2

1  <0> enter
2  <;> nextstate(main 1 assign.pl:1) v:{
3  <$> const[IV 1] s
4  <#> gvsv[*x] sqnnpp
5  <2> sassign vKS/2

6  <;> nextstate(main 1 assign.pl:2) v:{
7  <$> const[IV 2] s
8  <#> gvsv[*y] s
9  <2> sassign vKS/2
a  <@> leave[1 ref] vKP/REFC

Parse to Text

Perl fragments associated with B::OPs

divide rule

sub divide {
    my ($self, $op, $context) = @_;
    my $left = $self->deparse($op->first);
    my $right = $self->deparse($op->last);

    my $str =  $left . '/' . $right;
    return $self->maybe_parens($str, $context, 19)

gvsv rule

sub gvsv {
   my ($self, $op, $context) = @_;
   my $str = $self->gv_name($op);
   return $self->maybe_local($op, $str);

Simplifying the 100's of rule codes


my $str =  $left . '/' . $right;


my $str =  sprintf("%s/%s", $left , $right);

Simplifying rule code - templating

our $PP_RULES = {
    divide => ("%p/%p", [[0, 19], [1, 19]]),

Lingering Problems: Translation

Fair fa' your honest..

Good luck to you and your honest...

If we are are reading "to" where are we in the Scots?

#1: my @prev = (undef, 0, 1);
    COP (0x7fee65ad8728) dbstate
    BINOP (0x7fee65ad8788) aassign [2]
        UNOP (0x7fee60d08198) null [157]
            OP (0x7fee60d08160) PUSHMARK  // What's this? ...
            OP (0x7fee60d08220) undef
            SVOP (0x7fee60d081e0) const  IV (0x7fee61806c88) 0
            SVOP (0x7fee60d08120) const  IV (0x7fee61806c10) 1
        UNOP (0x7fee60d080c0) null [157]
            OP (0x7fee65ad87d0) PUSHMARK  // and this?
            OP (0x7fee60d08258) padav [1] my @prev = (undef, 0, 1);

pushmark, pushmark B::OP=SCALAR(0x7fee6823fe78)
	at address 0x7fee60d08160:
my(@prev) = (undef, 0, 1)

Lingering Problem: PC location in a call

foreach( my $x =0 ; $x < 1; $x++) {   # Line 1
  print_line();                       # Line 2
sub print_line {
  print "call from line " . [caller(0)]->[2] . "\n";

prints "call from line 1".

From StackOverflow

Devel::Trepan Deparse with Fibonacci


- fin